Monday September 16, 2019
Dear Thomas,
Penny, our Goldendoodle is one-year old.
Finally, she's calming down a bit. When we're up in the office, she's with us. She's claimed this overstuffed red chair and sits there like a queen.
Guests of all ages love her. Sometimes, I worry that she'll jump on someone, especially the little children.
Recently, we had a small wedding and the youngest guest was a 4-year old boy Samson. They called him "Sammy," which of course pulled on my heart strings since our youngest is "Sam."
According to Sammy's mother, he suffers from a Selective Mute Disorder. He doesn't talk in front of strangers unless there is a dog present. All evening, Sammy popped into the office to talk to Penny or tell me something.
I dropped everything. Every urgent matter on my desk was put aside to watch this sweet child and sweet Penny bond.
By the end of the night, Sammy's mother was in tears. "You don't understand. He doesn't talk to anyone."
Just then, Sammy, pulling on his mother's purse, he looked up and added, "And Penny even sat in my lap!"
Until next time, your house’s faithful caretaker,